Alicia Hooper

Who Am I?
Alicia is the worship director at the church and has been involved in worship ministry for 13 years. She came on staff in September 2021 and is passionate about seeing the church experience the presence of God through music. Alicia grew up in the Middle East and has worked with churches in Lethbridge to expand and enrich their music ministry. She has been a part of many multicultural churches and appreciates diversity in the body of Christ.
Alicia is currently working on her Master of Counselling and believes in seeing the body of Christ healthy and thriving in all areas of their life.
When she isn’t leading worship on Sunday, Alicia enjoys hiking, reading books, cooking, and loves a good cup of coffee.

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Church is not only a crowd that meets on Sunday, but a community sharing life around a table.
We grow as disciples of Jesus by having intentional relationships with others who will walk through our everyday joys and struggles.
(It’s also just fun to hang out and eat)
It is our heart that every single member of High River Full Gospel be connected into our Community Groups.