First Time Here?

What to Expect
Sunday Worship: 10:30am – 12:00pm
Our Sunday services are a time to meet together to worship God. Church starts at 10:30am and usually ends around noon. We are informal in our dress and welcome people from all ages, ethnicities and walks of life. Come early to have coffee, snacks and visit together.
Our service will start with us singing contemporary songs of worship to God and then one of our pastors will give a talk based on the Bible.Â
We also offer Nursery and Sunday School for kids aged 0-12 that starts right after worship.
Drop in for a visit sometime. We would love to meet you!

Our Beliefs & Mission
Read our statement of faith and to see where we are heading as a church community.

Our Pastors
We'd love to meet with you! Learn more about our staff.

What's Happening
Check out all of our upcoming group and community events.

Our Groups
Join a Community Group!
Church is not only a crowd that meets on Sunday, but a community sharing life around a table.
We grow as disciples of Jesus by having intentional relationships with others who will walk through our everyday joys and struggles.
(It’s also just fun to hang out and eat)
It is our heart that every single member of The Crossing Church be connected into our Community Groups.