Pastors Chris & Sara Haynes

Who Are We?
Chris and Sara have been pastoring at High River Full Gospel since early 2023. They pastor all our church community groups. You’ll find them on Friday nights being cool enough to hang out with our youth, Sunday mornings in the kids room or up on stage with the worship team, and every other day you can catch them in and around the church.
They have been married for 23 years and have 4 “almost” grown up kids (Sara doesn’t look old enough to have 4 kids). Their heart is to see families connect in community and walk out their love for Jesus with one another.
Sara loves to hike and will often drag her family along. She has a weakness for old (and new) bookstores and has been known to spend hours reading in her comfy pants sipping her flavored coffee.
Chris loves to play music – whether that is on his guitar, piano or drum kit. Chris is also an avid hunter and will gladly share his hunting wisdom with you – so don’t get him started!

Our Beliefs & Mission
Read our statement of faith and to see where we are heading as a church community.

Our Pastors
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What's Happening
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Our Groups
Join a Community Group!
Church is not only a crowd that meets on Sunday, but a community sharing life around a table.
We grow as disciples of Jesus by having intentional relationships with others who will walk through our everyday joys and struggles.
(It’s also just fun to hang out and eat)
It is our heart that every single member of High River Full Gospel be connected into our Community Groups.