Pastor Richie Bouthillier

Who Am I?
Pastor Richie took over as lead pastor of High River Full Gospel Church in 2020. He provides leadership to the Full Gospel Church staff and volunteer teams. Richie loves connecting with the High River Community in a variety of ways. Currently, he serves as chaplain to the High River RCMP detachment and has the opportunity to ride along with the members to offer encouragement and support. Richie is keenly interested in seeing new churches planted in southern Alberta.
Although Richie grew up in BC, he has spent much of his life living internationally. He has traveled abroad, lived in the Netherlands, and spent over twenty five years in Brazil, where he was involved in church planting and ministering to people in the Amazon Basin.
Richie is married to Christie and they have three children. Barbecuing, hunting and fishing, studying theology and collecting records are some of Richie’s hobbies. He also calls himself a “news junkie” and enjoys keeping up to current events.

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Church is not only a crowd that meets on Sunday, but a community sharing life around a table.
We grow as disciples of Jesus by having intentional relationships with others who will walk through our everyday joys and struggles.
(It’s also just fun to hang out and eat)
It is our heart that every single member of High River Full Gospel be connected into our Community Groups.