

Selfless volunteers
serving in our church

The Crossing Church body has an amazing and vibrant volunteer group! We are so proud of our church community and how selfless they are. Volunteering at every level of our church.
FAT Christians!
At The Crossing Church we are looking to make you a FAT Christian!
What does that mean? That means we’re looking for Faithful, Available and Teachable people.
Faithful: You’re committed to our vision at The Crossing Church. When you say you’re going to be somewhere, you’re there. When you say you want to help, you grab those chairs and start stacking!
Available:Â You give opportunity to be involved. When you’re potentially needed, you’re ready to jump in.
Teachable: Your heart is a moldable and pliable state. You are willing to be taught something new or be corrected if something happens.
There will always be a path forward, so know that our leaders are always going to try to push you forward!
All Volunteer Opportunities
We’re looking for people to help with things like Kitchen cleanup, Indoor Maintenance, Outdoor Maintenance, Garden cleanup etc.
Pre-requisites: None
Pastor David is looking for people that have a compassionate and loving heart to visit people that are lonely or in the hospital. These are usually accompanied with prayer time, laughter and a listening ear.
– Attending faithfully The Crossing Church for 6 months
– RCMP Police Check
– Plan to Protect Validation
Would you like to help set up coffee and snacks for Sunday morning service? If so, this is for you!
Pre-requisites: None
We’re looking for people to be available to help with the Food Bank, First Responders etc. Let us know if you’d be interested helping with this area.
– Attending The Crossing Church for 6 months
Do you like to smile? We’re looking for people that love shaking hands and kissing babies! Let us know if you’re interested in being on the Ushering team.
– Attending The Crossing Church for 6 Months
Are you a whiz when it comes to lighting and sound? Even if you’re not, but you’d like to help out with our multimedia team let us know. Maybe you have the photography / videography bug. Maybe you just want to be the person that everyone looks at when the sound starts making funny sounds. Let us know!
– Attending The Crossing Church for 6 Months
Are you the kind of person that likes to make everything look good? We have some trees and bushes that need to be randomly placed around the stage and foyer. Christmas is also coming! If all of that got you excited, you’re probably meant to help out here!
Pre-requisites: None
We need help with Communion Prep once per month. This usually involves setting up a few tables and getting the communion bread and juice poured and cut up. Let us know if you’re interested in helping out here.
Pre-requisites: None
If you like to hug babies, play with pre-schoolers or teach elementary kids, we have a job for you. Contact Pastor Sara to get involved in our Crossing Kids Ministry.
– Attending The Crossing Church for at least 6 months
– RCMP Police Check
– Plan to Protect Certification
If you have a heart to worship and have musical experience on a previous worship team or 3 plus years on your instrument, we’d love to chat and see if you’re a fit for the worship team.
The Crossing Church has a worship “starter” team that every new member needs to be on for at least 3 months prior to joining the main Sunday worship team. Please talk to Alicia or Pastor Chris for more information on other requirements for being on the team!